Myopia Clinic

The health of your eyes isn’t just about your ability to see clearly.


Myopia, also known as nearsightedness or shortsightedness, is a common eye condition where distant objects appear blurry. Myopia usually starts in childhood and progresses until adulthood. However, some people experience late onset of myopia, emerging as a problem in middle age.

Myopia can lead to serious eye conditions like myopic maculopathy, retinal detachment, cataracts, and glaucoma. The higher the prescription required, the higher the risk of developing these conditions. However, by managing myopia in its early stages, we can slow its progression and reduce the risk of developing severe myopia and associated eye conditions.

How We Slow Down Myopia

At Rototuna Optometrists, we have a dedicated clinic focused on myopia control and treatment, ensuring the best care for our patients. In order to optimise your vision now and in the future, we take a proactive approach to eye health.

Myopia Control Glasses

We prescribe myopia control glasses at our dedicated myopia clinic. Myopia control glasses have completely different optics designed specifically to slow down the progression of myopia. Find out what our clinic can offer you as a patient.

Soft Contact Lenses

These disposable, soft multifocal contact lenses have been shown to give a similar amount of myopia control as orthokeratology. As with standard disposable contact lenses they are worn during waking hours. These lenses have the ability to reduce progression by almost 50%.


Orthokeratology uses individually custom-designed contact lenses worn during sleep. They reversibly reshape the cornea (front of the eye) to correct myopia, so no visual correction is required during the day.

Due to the reshaping effect on the cornea, they recreate the ideal optical properties required for myopia control. Studies show a 50% slowing in the progression of myopia. Your optometrist can tell you if this treatment is right for you.


Atropine is a topical drop that has been shown to be effective in halting myopia from progressing. In normal strengths, this is typically 1%, however it comes with side effects. These can include blurring, dilated pupils and stinging of vision. There is currently a growing amount of research to test whether lower (safer) concentrations also are effective in controlling myopia.

Your optometrist may be best to discuss the use of this medication in myopia control. This medication is instilled nightly and must be made by a compounding pharmacy. It is available via medical prescription from our qualified optometrists.